Friday, October 28, 2011


Today mark's the one year anniversary of our first date ever! I got tickets to the Jazz game and it was perfect!

I love Trevor
Trevor loves me

a & t


Seems like Trev and I have been doing a lot of different festivities this month and especially the last couple of weeks! I love getting into the holidays, it makes it so much fun! I will say it is a lot more fun when you are married too and have your own little place to decorate and buy pumpkins for, this is what we did with only two of our pumpkins:

A couple weeks ago we went to the South Jordan pumpkin patch with Amanda, Coleman, Isaac, Brooklyn, Care, Frank, Lucy, Sophie, Tank, Owen and Mia. It was so much fun, I ended up picking out about 6 pumpkins for the two of us! Hahah I was a little bit excited. We had a blast and love hanging out with everyone. Lucy and I had fun picking out pumpkins with the perfect stem... It is all about the stem, my mother taught me that and it sure has stuck!

We also were able to watch Milo, Care and Frank's little dog, while they were on a family trip in Phoenix. Trev and I had a lot of fun playing, walking and cuddling with Milo! To be honest when we were done I was researching buying a puppy, but who am I kidding we don't have time for a puppy, so we will just have to watch Milo as often as we can! Thanks Linthorst's for letting us watch him

This summer I bought some coupons off City Deals to go miniature golfing with Amanda, coleman, Isaac and Brooklyn. So this past weekend we all went to Mulligans for some Haunted Mini Golf!! It was a blast oh and Trev and Coleman tried out the batting cages pretty cool!

As for this week I have been really sick with the flu and now Trev has it and is at home 'dying' all men are the same, but I am eager to get home and take care of him. Even in my sick state I was able to make some Pumpkin Chocolate Cookies for a Halloween party I wasn't able to go to... I must say they looked delicious, but I couldn't eat, no, no, no.

Oh I love Halloween!! Can't wait for Monday! We are going Trick-or-Treating with the Kiddies and we are going to be skeletons!!! (I wanted to be Danny and Sandy from Grease) oh well!

I love Trevor
Trevor loves me

a & t



I think, maybe, quite possibly we are ready for a little bit of this:

Yep I think so!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

For the last five days Trevor and I have been in Chicago, exploring the windy city and as for me working hard! I went to Chicago for the Mortgage Bankers Associations Annual Conference & Expo and Trev was able to come a long. It was a lot of fun! Good food, great company (Erin & Dave), hard work, beautiful views, lake Michigan, shopping and parties. All in all WE LOVE CHICAGO!

We arrived Saturday and immediately met up with Erin and Dave who happened to be there the same time for the Chicago Marathon, which Erin rocked. We spent Saturday and Sunday with them and it was so much fun. They showed us the city, where they use to live and where Dave went to law school. We also had great food and shopping. We also got to watch Erin run the Chicago marathon, with 45,000 runners it was quite and event and so much fun. It did actually make running a marathon look fun! The cool thing about following Erin through the marathon was seeing the many different places/neighborhoods of Chicago, we went all around the city; it was a lot of walking, but we did get to ride the "L".

On Sunday night my conference started and my days were full of meetings with marketing/magazine/PR professionals and greeting new clients, existing clients and potential clients. It was a great show for IDS and a better turn out than last year.... could the mortgage industry be on an up swing? HA! After five days we are wipe and excited to be home to the beautiful fall weather in Utah. Here are some pictures of our adventure!

Waiting at the airport!!

View from the place we stayed with Erin and Dave on Saturday! Thank you so much!! Thank you to the Summers too! Such a great place they have

Lake Michigan

Downtown Chicago and the river

So cute! I love this picture!

Tribune Tower-- It has a piece of famous places all around the world whether it be natural monuments or great architecture! Look a piece of the Salt Lake Temple! How cool huh?! This building reminded me a lot of the way Westminster Abbey looks in London

Giant Marylin Monroe

Chicago Marathon, I believe we are at mile 16 here

Erin after the race! She looks amazing right?

Me and the bean- So cool at night

Navy Pier

IDS had a party on Tuesday night with one of our partners and it was on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building the view was absolutely amazing I could not get enough!

Another view!

Chicago was a blast! Trevor and I were able to spend a lot of time together doing spontaneous things around the city when I wasn't working! Of course we got deep dish pizza from Giordano's which I am so sad I didn't get a picture of the pizza! It is literally a pie! so good! We hope we can come back to Chicago lots, it is a great city!

A & T

Thursday, October 6, 2011


It is still pretty surreal that Trevor and I are married and it has been two months today! Just last night we were on the couch and Trev turned to me and said "we're married" with a big grin on his face. It seems that sometimes it just hits you like a ton of bricks, I love it. We are as happy as clams, but I like as happy as can be better! Things are going great. We are both pretty busy with work, but Saturday we take off to Chicago for a few days because I have a work conference out there. It will be busy, but such a blast having Trevor there. Erin and Dave will be there because Erin is running the Chicago marathon on Sunday and we are way excited to hang out with them for a day or so! Well just a little post, I obviously didn't have anything more exciting then being married for two months, but to me that is the best!!!

A & T

Monday, October 3, 2011


For some reason Saturday I was feeling very domestic... First I cleaned our entire apartment, sweeping, swiffering, dusting, scrubbing, haning pictures and organizing. It felt good to kind of get things in order. Then I went on a long run, it was hot, but felt refreshing.... And since it is October and I love Halloween I was feeling especially festive. I met my mom at Costco during the Priesthood session and I saw these mini pumpkins on stems, I use to use them at the salon when I would decorate, I was so excited I got some for our apartmenet to start our Halloween/October decorating. I can't wait to get more stuff.

 Trevor was especially excited about our new decor! I love him!

Well that's all for now

A & T