Saturday, April 25, 2009

This past Tuesday April 21, 2009 marked the one year anniversary of Matt's death. I anticipated this day for a long time and dreaded the actual morning I would awake to remember the events that took place just one year ago. It seems hard to believe that I have lived through an entire year of this pain, this love for Matt, strong memories of him, and of course happiness of my own. I have not learned or endured more in my life than I did this past year. I have grown into the person I want to be and the person Matt knew I would become. It's odd on Tuesday I remembered a lot of memories of Matt, memories I had not yet encountered until that day. One was the night I was saying good bye to Matt, of course I have remembered this night since it happened. It couldn't have been more perfect. As I balled into Matt's big body, I remember him telling me that when he got home I would be an amazing woman and that I had so much potential. Well I have and am still becoming that woman or so I hope. I miss him everyday and the pain seems great some days and not so bad other days, but I will be stronger and more a live because of the things that have happened to me because of my best friend Matt. I love you forever Mattie. "Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" this was the phrase I said to Matt everyday as he left for his next class and me for mine or at the end of the night when he would return to his dorm. He is my best friend and I am better because of knowing him. Thank you, love you, miss you with all my soul.

Elder Matthew Knoop 2/23/1988 ~ 4/21/2008 "My body sleeps for a moment but my testimony lives and shall endure through all eternity."Forever Loving You.....Your Family.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

One Year Older and Wiser Too....

I can honestly say that this was one of the best birthdays of my life and I can say I am one year older and wiser too. It has been quite a year and I am glad that it is over to say the least. It has been full of emotional heartache, loss, paralyzing pain, and missing. But it also has been full of enlightenment, joy, and friendship. I am a wiser strong person after everything that has happened. No more of the Ali I use to be, but the old Ali is back and I am loving it. I have to say it is all because of my amazing family and my amazing friends who have been there through in through. The countless phone calls to my mother bawling and the venting sessions with my twins. This has been a year I will always remember bad and great as well.

To explain what went on, on the 21st year of my life here it is: Liz, Lauren, and Natalie threw me a Birthday 'Root' Beer Bash and that is exactly what it was... we had birthday beer, balloons, a DJ, root beer pong, and of course dancing! It was everything I could have asked for and more. Old friends came, new friends came, and new friends were made. It was definitely a bash! Here is pictures for all of you to enjoy! Happy Birthday too me I guess I can say now ha and yes I am older and wiser. Let's hope ha.

The Hosts: I first have to say I have the three greatest best friends anyone could ask for. My 21st birthday was my favorite and best birthday by far thanks to these three great amazing ladies of mine that I call best friends. They went all out -- Birthday "Root' Beer, Root Beer Pong, Balloons, Streamers, DJ, and yes a Big Poster of my face or beauty shot we will call it for everyone to sign. They made this birthday everything I wanted and needed. I love them so much and can not thank them enough. They have been through everything and have gotten me to where I am today! Thank you Rocky, Colt, and My Homes!

Every birthday girl blows out the candles, makes a wish, and eats a piece of cake! Well I blew out the candles (as you can see) and made a wish, but I did not eat any birthday cake. Despite that fact that Lizzie and Lauren are very aware that I DO NOT LIKE CAKE, they knew I needed one and I loved it! They sang and cheered and blew away! It was at the perfect point in the party too, when the most people were there of course! I love being the center of attention, maybe that is why I love my birthday so much, but I also love making others feel that way too so it is a trade off, not a bad thing I hope!

Just a couple of the people from the guest list! I have the greatest friends and I am so glad I got to share this 21st birthday with them in a way that makes me proud, I am glad they got to see me in a whole new light, a light that makes me so much happier. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and friendship!

DJ Sam Ez.... Hahah we recruited Sam White to be our DJ (this is a first for our parties) and it was awesome! He did a great job and I can't thank him enough! It was a blast!

The Party in almost full swing... There was a great turn out over 75 people I would say! Look at all that love!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This past Saturday I had the opportunity to get have pictures taken of me by Peter and Brit! It was so much fun, it made me think hmm maybe this is something I could pursue, but I don't know. What do you think? These are just some of the shots that we got and Peter edited. I didn't want to put all the ones he already gave me up, but there are more to come hopefully! I feel like we took a lot and it was a blast. Thanks Brit and Peter! I loved it and I will come over any day, any time, all day ha.