Fill In the blank: summer edition
Just today I decided I would start doing
Fill in the Blank Friday’s like some of my fellow bloggers and friends. Here is
my first go at it.
· What is your favorite summer treat: Watermelon & Popsicles
· Favorite summer past time activities: Bonfires, soccer, river trips, night games, summer concerts (Deer Valley) & stake
Lagoon day
· Where are you going to vacation or visit
this summer: The Uintas, Oregon, and Southern
California (hopefully) and maybe New York City! Lots of camping trips too
· What kinds of things do you like to do in
the summer: Swimming, hiking, laying out, barbeques
and hanging out on the deck till the sun finally goes down
· What is your go to outfit when it is hot
outside: Sundresses hands down… with or without
a bikini and cute sandals of course
· When it is hot outside what do you like to
do most: Go to the pool or the lake
· Is there anything you hate about summer? Working everyday! Not like when you are in school and you
have 3 months off, that was the best
· What are you excited for most this summer?
NOT PLANNING A WEDDING!!! Even though when wedding day finally came it was the highlight.