Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear life,
I miss the days when life seemed so simple…

When going into the office meant swinging from the trees, running around barefoot in the grass and playing make believe.....

When home was as simple as your address and where you played, slept and ate...

When boys were just friends and had cooties and didn’t cause hurt feelings and tears...

When death was only related to old people and fish....

When things just seemed easy and the only worry that was to be had was what toy to get at the store or who you were going to play with for the day...

I miss the days when life seemed so simple, I guess that’s what growing up does, makes things a little more complicated.



Lauren Allen said...

Cute post Al! I loved all the old picks!

jessandbryce said...

Love you al :). Thanks for the post.

Meg said...

Life gets even more complicated when you add kids and a mortgage to the picture!