Friday, September 28, 2012

Fill In The Blank Friday’s: Weekend Favorites

1.    What do you look forward to most  during the weekend? Two whole days with my husband, no worrying about being up and ready for work. Just the two or three of us.

2.    Favorite weekend date would have to be dinner and a movie, I absolutely love going to the movies, I think I get it from my mom. If not a movie hiking, bowling or miniature golf.

3.    Go to weekend meal Top It Frozen Yogurt haha I could eat this every meal, but really on the weekends it is a must.

4.    Anything you dread for weekends? Basically laundry, deep cleaning and long training runs. Got up to 20 miles and they take up most the morning.

5.    Favorite weekend Pandora station? Lately it has been Imagine Dragons and Passion Pit!
6.    My ideal weekend would consist of living room sleepovers, a good hike, a run, frozen yogurt, a movie and seeing family and friends.

Happy weekend everyone!

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