Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bungee Jumping!!

February 14, 2009- Happy Valentine's Day! This was the best, most amazing Valentine's day I have ever had and will probably ever have. Liz, Lauren, me, Courtney Smith, Brian, and Ben Rudd all went bungee jumping off of a 165ft bridge in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. It was the most exhilarating thing I have ever done. To explain a little bit, you climb up under the bridge to the "cat walk" which is not very wide and grates with a cable on each side to hold on to and walk to the middle of the bridge. Keep in mind there are Semi-trucks and cars passing above, shaking the very thing you are walking on. Then when it comes time for you to jump you exit the "safe cate walk" and step on to the beam for the 5 second countdown and dumb! I was the first jumper off and what can I say, I am pretty awesome! It was amazing. I am definitely going to be doing some more bungee jumping in the future, more like this summer in Lake Powell! It will be a 400ft bridge this time though, yikes! Here are some pictures!

The Bridge, Dun Dun Dunnnnn

Our band cover- haha it looks like it huh? Let's call us The Jumpers

The girls and our sexy Harnesses!

Our Jumping crew!

About to Jump! I was the first Jumper!

That is me! Yes it is! Crazy!

Oh Liz, we were all terrified when walking across, that was only half the battle!

My feet creeping over the edge of our cat walk, looking down into the water we are about to dive face first into!

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